Khanduri seeks Rs 10 cr from centre for forest fire

Khanduri seeks Rs 10 cr from centre for forest fire

7 May 2009

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India —

Concerned over the raging fire in the forests of Uttarakhand,Chief Minister B CKhanduri today asked theCentre to declare it as a natural disaster and sought Rs 10 crore to control the menace.In a letter toUnion Home Minister P Chidambaram,Khanduri asked him to immediately sanction Rs 10 crore under a special plan for the purpose and direct theNational Disaster Management Authority to help the state government in combating the forest fires.

TheChief Minister has instructed forest officials to keep a close watch on fires, that have so far claimed six lives and injured nearly a dozen people including nine forest personnel.

Principal Forest Conservator R B SRawat has already designated senior most forest officers in each district as coordinator and deputy coordinator to monitor and find out the root causes of fires.

Locals have also been encouraged by the forest department to collectChirpine needles which are considered to be one of the main reason of forest fire.

According to forest officials, dry tree leaves andChirpine needles catch fire easily when the temperature rises in the jungle in summers.

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