United States-Bush fires hurt farmers

United States-Bush fires hurt farmers

6 May 2009

published by www.farminguk.com


In response to the devastating wildfires in North Texas, Chisholm Trail RC&D and the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) have teamed up to establish the “North Texas Cattlemen’s Relief Fund.” Livestock producers in Wichita , Archer, Young, Clay, Jack and Montague counties can apply to receive funds to help with damages caused by recent wildfires.

This organization will accept applications from cattlemen who experienced any loss during the wildfires including livestock, feed, equipment, fencing, etc.

Applications are available at the USDA Service Center , County Judge ’s office and the AgriLife Extension Service office in each of the affected counties. The application can also be downloaded from Chisholm Trail RC&D’s website. Applications will be accepted until July 1, 2009.

Applications should be dropped off at the Chisholm Trail RC&D office located at 1616 East Wise Street , Bowie , Texas 76230 . Applications can also be mailed to Chisholm Trail RC&D at P.O. Box 454 , Bowie , Texas 76230 .

Disbursements will be made by September 1, 2009.

Those interested in contributing to the North Texas Cattlemen’s Relief Fund should mail their contribution made payable to: North Texas Cattlemen’s Relief Fund, P.O. Box 1717 , Bowie , Texas 76230 .

One hundred percent of each donation will benefit livestock producers in the six counties. For more information, please contact Van Baize, President of Ozona National Bank at 940-872-8450, or Stacey Stark, Chisholm Trail RC&D Coordinator at 940-872-5329, ext. 4.

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