More people sent to fight forest fire in NE China

   More people sent to fight forest fire in NE China

29 April 2009

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China — The number of people fighting a forest fire in northeastern China’s Heilongjiang Province has risen to 3,347, including 1,245 forest policemen, the emergency office of the provincial government said on Wednesday.

Fire in Yinanhe Forest Farm, under the Zhanhe Forestry Bureau, has continued into the third day, with fine weather and strong winds at the site.

No village is under the threat of the forest fire.

Two helicopters have been sent to transport forest policemen and firefighters to the site.

The fire has spread to the Yichun Youhao Forest Farm and Shangganling Forest Farm in Yichun City, said Wang Aiwen, vice mayor of Yichun.

Wang said Tuesday high temperatures and strong winds in the next two days were expected to make fire-fighting more difficult.

The fire was reported on Monday and the burnt area and cause of the fire are still unknown.

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