Kan. firefighter collapses, dies after grass fire

  Kan. firefighter collapses, dies after grass fire

24 April 2009

published by www.firerescue1.com

USA — A Kansas firefighter died Tuesday after he suffered a heart attack while returning from a grass fire call.

Firefighter Dennis M. Simmons, a member of the Stafford County, Kan., Fire Department, was transported to the Central Kansas Medical Center, where he passed away.

Firefighter Simmons, 63, had seven years of volunteer service.

Memorial contributions in honor of Firefighter Simmons may be made to the County Fireman’s Relief Fund in care of the Bryant Funeral Home, 1425 Patton RD, Great Bend, Kansas, 67530.

Tribute is being paid to Firefighter Dennis Simmons athttp://www.usfa.dhs.gov/fireservice/fatalities/ 

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