Eyre Peninsula bushfire reports released
Eyre Peninsula bushfire reports released
2 April 2009
published by www.abc.net.au
Australia — South Australia’s Fire and Emergency Services Commission has released two reports into farming practices and bushfire risks.
The reports arise from the inquest into the Wangary bushfires on the Eyre Peninsula and cover issues including continuous cropping, firebreaks and the fire risk of retaining crop stubble.
David Plant from the Emergency Services Commission says it is the first time that farming crops have been the subject of research into bushfire prevention.
“The South Australian Bushfire Prevention Advisory Committee, which is chaired by the Country Fire Service and also has representation from the Farmer’s Federation, local government and other other stakeholders, and they will use this research to help develop a code of practice for farming, for farming practices to try and reduce the risk of bushfires,” he said.