Did rain put the fires out?

Did rain put the fires out?

7 February 2009

published by www.capetowndailyphoto.com

South Africa — The Stellenbosch Fire Department received reports of 100 fires in only 72 hours, and Cape Town’s fire department received 83 reports of fires during office hours on Friday alone! It seems as though the whole of Cape Town is on fire.

The Stellenbosch Fire Chief wasquoted as saying “Everywhere. Every area.” in response to being asked where fires had been reported. Apart from the Stellenbosch fires and the 83 other reports within the Cape Town city limits, fires have been reported in Somerset West, Clanwilliam, Gansbaai, Hermanus, Plettenberg Bay, Algeria, Moutonshoek, Philadelphia, Bellville, Tygerberg, Strand, Monwabisi and Blikkiesdorp.

Today the temperature hit 40°C, although fortunately the wind remained at bay until late this evening. In retrospect it seems as though the hot weather today was a blessing in disguise. Earlier this evening we had a few rain showers (caused by the warm air rising) that will certainly help dampen the dry veld, and at least slow down the fire’s progression. So far it looks as though Stellenbosch has had just over5mm of rain this evening. With weather reports predicting more rain, we can only hope that they’re accurate and that tomorrow holds in store many more showers.

If you missedyesterday’s post, take a moment to look through thephoto album that shows photos taken just outside of Stellenbosch yesterday evening.

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