IAEM calls for removing FEMA from the DHS
IAEM calls for removing FEMA from the DHS
5 December 2008
published by wildfiretoday.blogspot.com
USA — TheInternational Association of Emergency Mangers is calling for FEMA to be removed from the Department of Homeland Security and to be an independent agency reporting directly to the President.
IAEM-USA believes that mixing the DHS mission of preventing future terrorism events and the FEMA mission of disaster consequence management (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery) has significantly detracted from both missions. The re-establishment of FEMA as an independent agency reporting directly to the President, with a Director designated as a member of the Presidents Cabinet, would allow federal, state and local government partners to better serve the American public during future disasters.
The fundamental division of work would return to the paradigm of crisis management (protecting the nation by preventing and catching those who would commit an act of terrorism against the United States) and consequence management (dealing with the impact of any disaster whether natural, technological or terrorism-related). IAEM-USA believes that a nimble, strong and independent FEMA with strong state and local partners would greatly contribute to the safety of our citizens and the resiliency our communities.