Blaze began as grass fire

Blaze began as grass fire

7 November 2008

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Canada —  If it wasn’t for the quick action of firefighters, a grass fire that raged out of control Friday evening could have caused much worse damage, said Timmins Fire Department Capt. Jamie Mercier.

“The good work of our firefighters saved at least one of the two houses involved,” said Mercier. “The boys did a very good job in bringing this fire under control because a garage that was on fire had a heavy fuel load with gasoline and propane inside.

“All of the guys did a terrific job in bringing this fire under control or there would have been a lot more damage.”

The blaze, which broke out early Friday evening at a home on Norman Street was caused by a grass fire, while a homeowner was working on his motorcycle, Mercier said.

“It was strictly a freak accident,” he said.

Within minutes, the fire had spread to one home at 554 Norman St., and an adjacent home, along with two garages and two other outside buildings on the two properties, Mercier said.

No one was hurt as a result of the fire, which Mercier estimates caused in excess of $100,000 damage to the two homes and outside buildings.

“There was pretty significant fire damage to one home and heat damage to the second home,” he said. “A camper on one of the property’s also was destroyed and there was significant heat damage to both garages and two other outside buildings.”

Volunteers from Mountjoy and Timmins joined members of the Timmins Fire Department in putting out the blaze, Mercier said.

“We ended up with about 20 firefighters on the scene,” he said. “They did a terrific job in bringing this fire under control in a hurry.

“There was some significant damage, but it would have been a lot worse if we hadn’t gotten there right away and put out the fire as quickly as we did.”

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