Namibia: Veld Fire Raging at Gibeon

Namibia: Veld Fire Raging at Gibeon

12 August 2008

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Namibia — A veld fire raging since early Sunday has razed a large area of grazing in the Uibes area of the Gibeon Constituency.

Gibeon Constituency office Chief Clerk, Steven Fleermuys, said yesterday it was suspected that the fire started after farmers tried to smoke out bees from a tree to harvest honey.

Fleermuys said the destruction of grazing was extensive but no human or livestock deaths had been reported.

“The veld fire is burning in three directions, namely the Gibeon.

Maltahoehe and Uibes areas,” Hardap Governor Katrina Hanse-Himarwa said yesterday.

Hanse-Himarwa said the services of the Police, local farmers, all Government departments and council office employees have been enlisted to fight the fire.

“Ambulances have been sent to the area to respond in case of any eventualities while vehicles have been deployed in the area for possible evacuation responses,” Hanse-Himarwa said.

The Governor is expected to visit the area today to assess the damage.

By late yesterday afternoon, the fire was still burning in places but Hanse-Himarwa said it had been bought under control.

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