Riau health agency to provide 30,000 masks to anticipate worsening haze

Riau health agency to provide 30,000 masks to anticipate worsening haze

6 August 2008

published by www.antara.co.id

Indonesia — The Riau provincial health agency has provided 30,000 masks in anticipation of haze from forest fires which have been razing in some in Riau province, a spokesman said.

Burhanudin Agung, head of the Riau public health and nutrition agency made the remarks here Tuesday, adding that the masks have been stored at the health agency`s storage facility prior to their distribution to the people.

The Riau health agency has planned to distribute the masks to the people in all districts and towns which have been blanketed by the haze, he said.

But the distribution of the masks had been postponed as the air pollution standard index (ISPU) of the haze is still on a moderate level, the spokesman said.

The masks will be distributed immediately after the ISPU started to increase, Burhanuddin said.

In the meantime, Blucer Dolog Saribu, head of the Pekanbaru Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) said that the result of a monitoring by the NOAA 18 satellite, there are now 78 hot spots in districts and towns.

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