ACT SES calls for more volunteers

ACT SES calls for more volunteers

13 July 2008

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Australia — A call for help has gone out from the ACT State Emergency Service (SES) in a bid to attract more volunteers before the storm and bushfire season begins.

Emergency Services Minister Simon Corbell says there are 200 SES volunteers across Canberra but the service would welcome more members.

An information session for prospective members will be held this Wednesday.

Mr Corbell says as well as assisting their local community, volunteers may be called upon to respond to interstate emergencies.

“They perform a wide variety of roles, potentially at any time of the year, including search, assisting the police in rescues, assisting in police operations as well as storm and flood damage both here in Canberra and as part of interstate deployments,” he said.

Mr Corbell says the SES is a rewarding way to serve the local community.

“It’s a great opportunity for people to make a contribution back to their local community and it also is a great opportunity to learn new skills, join in the comradeship and the opportiunity that comes with being a volunteer member of the State Emergency Service.”

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