Wildfire class set for business people
Wildfireclass set for business people
10 March 2008
published by www.nctimes.com
San Diego, USA — A course aimed at getting information about wildfires intothe hands of business people is being offered through the Natural HistoryMuseum.
The four-hour class, offered weekly through May 21, is for property managers,insurance or real estate agents, planners and anyone working in landscape orhome design. It qualifies for continuing education credits for many professionalorganizations, said Anne Fege, a retired Forest Service supervisor who is now abotany researcher with the museum.
Topics include how fire behavior and ecology affect how structures catch fireand local building codes for fire-resistant materials. Other topics include howto create defensible space through landscaping and reducing vegetation.
The course is organized by Business and Ecology Consulting, with instructorsvarying by date. The fee is $80 for individuals or $60 each for two or morepeople from the same organization.