Large peat fire engulfs farmland at Gordonton

Large peat fire engulfsfarmland at Gordonton

9 February 2008

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New Zealand — Firefighters were to work throughout the night to control alarge peat fire which had engulfed farmland on Woodlands Rd in Gordonton, nearHamilton.

The blaze was reported by members of the public about 4.30pm yesterday, and40 firefighters from Hamilton, Morrinsville, Cambridge, Huntly, Ngaruawahia andTahuna were called in.

Hamilton fire chief Gary Talbot said the fire soon engulfed about 7ha of”dry brown hills”.

“We’re assuming the fire was caused by a carelessly disposed cigarette,”he said.

“The fire has started on the roadside but quickly spread into a nearbypaddock thanks to five to 10-knot winds,” Mr Talbot said.

Eight fire appliances and five water tankers attended the fire.

Mr Talbot told the Waikato Times that firefighters would work throughout the night to contain the fire.

Photo: A firefighter dampens down a peat fire on Woodlands Rd in Gordonton.

“Chances are they’ll be there all of Saturday trying to control thefire.

Because the fire has got into peat, it’ll be burning for a while.”

No houses had been damaged by the fire.

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