Post-bushfire tours plan for KI

Post-bushfire tours plan for KI

9 January 2008

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Australia — Kangaroo Island’s tourism marketing manager says she is looking into marketing post-bushfire tours.

Tania O’Neil says about 700 fewer people went to Kangaroo Island in December compared with the year before, because of recent bushfires.

Ms O’Neil says the trend is continuing this month.

She says it is disappointing because even the sites that were burned offer unique insights into how the environment regenerates after fires.

“I honestly think that is a really great opportunity for Australians to come across to the island and see the Australian bush regenerating. It really is nature at work,” she said.

“I think that’ll be the focus of our future marketing campaigns because there is actually a lot of interest from internationals to see this because they don’t get it in Europe.”

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