Bushfires: Will we never learn?

Bushfires: Will we never learn?

8 January 2008

published by www.news.com.au

Australia — A mere 13 per cent of householders in high bushfire risk areas have a written fire action plan, with Premier Mike Rann labelling the news as “disturbing”.

A survey conducted by the Country Fire Service of householders in bushfire prone areas across South Australia also found that 69 per cent of respondents who had not yet written plan had no intention of doing so.

This is despite 84 per cent of people surveyed perceiving bushfires as a major threat.

“Its not enough to simply acknowledge the danger and have a plan in mind,” Mr Rann said.

“By completing a written Bushfire Action Plan households show they are well prepared to play their part.”

The survey also found:

  • 36 per cent of people said they would stay and defend their property in of a bushfire.
  • Almost half – 47 per cent – would leave early
  • Another 12 per cent said they would leave their homes at the start of a high fire danger day.

In December last year, the State Government launched its Bushfire Ready campaign and the CFS sent 80,000 kits to all households in bushfire prone areas, which included a Bushfire Action Plan and Bushfire Ready stickers.

“Ticking off the necessary preparations, as well documenting a plan of action if a bushfire does threaten, goes a long way in helping our fire fighters do their job,”  Mr Rann said.

“Our volunteers have also been sorely tested by a number of fires, including the major blazes on Kangaroo Island as well as on Yorke Peninsula.

“They have demonstrated their commitment in spades and now property owners should do the same.”

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