978 Hectares of Forest Land Burned in Kashmir

978 Hectares of Forest Land Burned in Kashmir

16 January 2008

published by http://newsblaze.com

Srinagar, Kashmir, India — The Kashmir Forest minister, G M Saroori today revealed that forest fire incidents have damaged 978 hectares of forest land in Kashmir.

He said that Kashmir has witnessed 297 fire incidents during which 978 hectares of forest land was burnt. “At least 336 trees were burnt in these fire incidents”, he said.

He said “most of these fires were ground fires which damaged mostly grasses herbs and shrubs. However, in a few places these fires caused damage to standing trees as well as the fallen material”.

The minister said that the government was investigating the reasons behind forest fires. “Those involved in these fire incident would be exposed”, he said.

He said the Kashmir Government has sent a request for Rs.29 crores for upgrading of forests to the Indian government for sanction.

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