More funding approved to remove wildfire debris

More funding approved to remove wildfire debris

10 January 2008

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SAN DIEGO: The county has removed 40,000 tons of debris from unincorporated areas following the October wildfires, but much more work still needs to be done.

With that in mind, county supervisors yesterday unanimously approved spending an additional $12 million in state and federal funds for debris removal. The county had previously set aside $30 million for the project and estimated 30,000 tons of debris would need to be cleared.

The county hired two San Diego-based companies, Rore Inc. and PRI, in November to do the work. Thirty crews are working six days a week to clear the first 600 properties by the end of this month.

Homeowners gave the county permission to go on their property and remove debris properly in exchange for giving any insurance money they collect for debris removal to the county or state. Those without insurance don’t pay anything.

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