Two million trees to be planted in burnt forest area

Two million trees to be planted in burnt forest area

24 November 2007

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Turkey — More than two million youngtrees will be planted in the forested area damaged by fires in Bodrum and Muğla this year.

As part of the studies carried out to tackle with forest fires a 48 kilometer-long road was built to provide easier access. Milas Forest Administration Manager Ayhan Bayrak providing information about studies in the ruined forests in Bodrum’s Kızılağaç Village asked for the trees to be planted. Stating that there were two medium-sized forest fires in Bodrum and Milas in 2007, Bayrak said: Forestedland of 523 hectares, 300 hectares in Bodrum Kızılağaç and 223 hectares in Kuyucak, was destroyed. Explaining that afforesting studies have started in the region, he said the number of trees to be planted in the Kızılağaç region is 250,000 while the number of trees felled during clearing-up work was 27,000.

Bayrak said fire roads in the forested area in Bodrum and Milas are of vital importance to be able to easily intervene in case of fire. About 48 kilometers of road was built in 2007. There are nine fire pools in the region. We will increase the number to 12. These pools are very important for putting out fires. There are three planes and a helicopter in the region, he said. Bayrak added: The ruined land will be reforested. It will definitely not be used for some other purposes.

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