53.1 per cent of forest in India fire prone

53.1 per cent of forest in India fire prone

25 November 2007

published by www.greaterkashmir.com

India — New Delhi: About  53.1  per cent of India’s forest are prone to fire, and out of this 9 per cent of the area is affected by frequent fires. This has been revealed in the State of Forest Report, 1995 analysis of the record of occurrence of fire within and around the sample plot activity, over a period of two decades.     
 Forest fire management involves prevention, timely detection, control and monitoring. A combination of technologies such as Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System etc. is being used for detection and monitoring of forest fires. Under the Centrally Sponsored – Integrated Forest Protection Scheme, Forest Fire Control and Management is one of the component. Financial assistance is provided to the States/UTs on sharing basis to take up various activities for effective prevention and control of forest fires including use of modern technology.     
 This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, S.Regupathy in the Lok Sabha.

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