Storms help put out bushfires
Storms help put out bushfires
6 November 2007
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Queensland, Australia — Storms have brought a mixed blessing to centralQueensland, causing flash flooding and damaging homes but also putting outbushfires.
About 90mm of rain fell in Rockhampton until 9am (AEST) Tuesday after a stormhit the region around 5.30pm Monday.
A State Emergency Services (SES) spokesman said storms caused flash flooding,particularly in the city centre.
“It wasn’t windy like the storms we’ve seen in the last few weeks,”the spokesman said.
“But it did dump a lot of rain.”
Rockhampton’s Morning Bulletin newspaper said the rain was so heavy cars wereleft floating down streets.
The SES spokesman said crews received 10 calls for help, mostly about roofdamage caused by blocked gutters.
“However, the rain did have an upside, putting out a couple of bushfiresaround Gladstone and Miriam Vale,” he said.
A weather bureau spokesman said Gladstone received 42mm, Bundaberg 65mm andHervey Bay 51mm.
The rain is expected to continue until Thursday.