Calling all farmers: a new handbook for bushfire protection on farms

Calling all farmers: a new handbook forbushfire protection on farms

1 November 2007

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Australia — Max Maher has lived on the land all hislife, and in 1957 he joined the Lubeck fire brigade, near Horsham – he’s nowsharing 50 years of experience with his peers and the newcomers to rural areasas part of the CFA’s evolving education campaign for the annual bushfire season.

Because of his own situation, he understands what farmersand rural residents need to know before the bushfire season hits, and has beeninvolved in developing an easy-to-read new fire management guide for this groupof people, titled On the Land.

“There’s information in there which is very helpfulfor all agricultural practitioners, whether broad-acre or smaller [hobby] farms,”Max says. “We had some interesting debates [in making the guide]… theemphasis was on education, providing an easy-to-read document of a suitable size.”

While people living in regional areas are familiar withthe threat of fire, farmers have an added responsibility to ensure theirmachinery or equipment does not start fires, that private power lines are not athreat, and that controlled burns do not escape their property.

The booklet contains legislative requirements for thoseon the land, and promotes good farming practice, with detailed notes on how afire will behave according to the fuel, topography and weather of the area, howfarmers can build in fire prevention to everyday farming practices and wherethey can go for assistance in developing a fire plan and the resources needed toprotect homes and property.

The booklet is available through CFA regionalheadquarters and from all local brigades – or download it from the link below.

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