Malibu’s past is laced with blazes

Malibu’s past is laced with blazes

22 October 2007

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California, USA — Fires in the area are too familiar. Earlier this year, 11seaside homes were destroyed or damaged. And in 1993, a suspected arson caused$219 million worth of damage.

Malibu has a long history of brush fires:

January 2007: A brush fire whipped by high winds destroys or damages 11seaside homes along Malibu Road.

January 2003: A wind-driven blaze, possibly sparked by downed power lines,damages three homes and forces the evacuation of scores of residences in Encinaland Decker canyons.

October 1996: A brush fire ignited by an arcing power line destroys 10homes in Malibu, Calabasas Canyon and Corral Canyon, and burns close to 14,000acres. Malibu’s estimated cost of fighting the fire is $1 million.

November 1993: Three people die when an arson-suspected blaze roarsthrough Calabasas, Malibu, Topanga Canyon, Rambla Pacifico and Tuna Canyon,destroying 388 structures, including 268 homes. Damage is estimated at more than$219 million. Disaster relief costs for Malibu total $7.8 million.

October 1985: Two arson-caused brush fires in Malibu, one on Piuma Roadand another in Decker Canyon, destroy six homes, causing more than $1 million indamage.

October 1982: A wind-swept fire travels from Dayton Canyon, northeast ofCanoga Park, to the Malibu coast, destroying 97 homes and burning 54,000 acres.Estimated damage is $8.5 million.

October 1978: Eight almost-simultaneous fires destroy 230 homes in aseries of blazes stretching from Malibu to Agoura and Mandeville Canyon. One manis killed, and damage is estimated at $71.4 million as 26,000 acres are burned.

September 1970: Ten people die and 403 homes are ravaged as severalblazes combine into a single wall of flames 20 miles long, stretching fromNewhall to Malibu. The conflagration chars 435,000 acres and causes an estimated$175 million in property damage.

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