San Bernardino Mountains wildfire recovery will take years

San BernardinoMountains wildfire recovery will take years

 17 October 2007

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San Bernardino, California, USA — Forestry officials sayrecovery will take years in the San Bernardino Mountains area scarred by lastmonth’s 13,825-acre Butler II wildfire.

People, animals and roadways will be threatened for years, and the endangeredMountain Yellow-legged Frog, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and CaliforniaSpotted Owl will struggle to survive in their ravaged habitat.

The U.S. Forest Service released a report Tuesday with recommendations fordealing with the fire aftermath, including the likelihood of rockslidesimperiling Highway 18 and flooding.

The report says charred hillsides have no vegetation to catch runoff, whichis threatening four campgrounds and about five miles of the Pacific Crest Trail,which runs from Mexico to Canada.

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