Forest Fire Sparks Up Again

Forest Fire Sparks Up Again

 15 October 2007

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USA — A forestfire is burning nearly one-thousand acres after firefighters put the flames outonce already.

It’s happening in the Hurricane Creek area of Leslie County, wherefirefighters say several homes were in serious danger.

Forestry officials thought they had this fire under control, but fallingleaves have created a new layer of fuel, causing the fire to grow to about athousand acres.

If contending with Arson and dry conditions isn’t enough, now increasedleaf-fall has added more obstacles for Forestry crews to deal with.

“This one seems to be a problem fire for us as far as this early in thefall because it hasn’t frosted yet and the worst is still to come,” JamesMadden said.

Now the fire is moving faster than crews anticipated…bringing flamesdangerously close to homes.

“It’s a very scary situation. It makes you very nervous, but you doappreciate the service and what they can do for you,” Judy Morgan said.

Today Forestry Crews tried to stay one step ahead of the flames that havebeen burning since late last month.

In addition to dry conditions and leaves…challenging terrain is also makingthis one tough fire to beat.

“What firefighters are doing right now is burning in from the line thatthey’ve already raked, eliminating the organic matter that’s fueling this fire,keeping it away from nearby homes

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