Bushfire forums


 16 October 2007

published by  ararat.yourguide.com.au

Australia — Seats arestill available at a series of free bushfire forums to equip people with specialneeds, and those living in bushfire prone areas, with the tools and knowledge tocreate their own bushfire plan.

Forums will be held in Ararat this Friday, next Wednesday October 24 inStawell, October 26 in Willaura and October 29 in St Arnaud.

Local agencies and councils have joined to conduct the forums in response toa study conducted by RMIT’s Bushfire Collaborate Research Centre following theDeep Lead and Grampians region fires.

The study revealed that people with special needs that live independently,such as people with a disability and the elderly, required more information tohelp them plan for and be prepared in the event of bushfire.

Interactive discussion and hands-on activities will be conducted at theforums by both councils, Parks Victoria, CFA, Red Cross, Deaf Access,RuralAccess, Grampians Community Health Centre, Department of Sustainability andEnvironment and the Department of Human Services.

Each session will cover planning for an emergency, protecting your family andyourself during a wildfire, fire behaviour, weather and high risk days, howhouses burn and personal protection, water, fine fuels and property access, andhow to create a practical bushfire safety plan.

If you have special needs, care for someone with special needs, or live in abushfire prone area and would like to attend, please contact Gilda McKechnie,RuralAccess co-ordinator at Grampians Community Health Centre on 5352 6200.Bookings are essential.

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