Canary Island wildfire victim starts protest walk

Canary Island wildfire victimstarts protest walk

2 October 2007

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A woman who lost her home on Gran Canaria this summer says bureaucracy has left her uneligible for assistance

A woman who lost her home on Gran Canaria in the worst fires in the history of the Canary Islands this summer has started a protest march to draw attention to her plight.

EFE says 45 year old Paloma de Montemayor has discovered she does not qualify for state assistance because neither she or her 300 year old house, 4 kms from the Soria reservoir, are officially registered with the Town Hall in San Bartolomé de Tirajana.

She has lived there with her family since 1998.

She says the house is seen as a second residence, despite it being the only one she owns, because she moved to Arinaga in 2005 to allow her children to attend a school which is closer to her home.

She says bureaucracy has left others in the same position and plans to walk 200 kms across the island to draw attention to their situation.


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