Salvation Army Repsonds to Massive Wildfire in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Salvation Army Repsonds to Massive Wildfirein Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

13 August 2007

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MI, USA — The Grand Rapids Salvation Army sent an emergency disasterservices (EDS) team to Newberry, MI, after lightning sparked wildfires that havespread across nearly nineteen thousand acres of land in the state’s UpperPeninsula.

The Department of National Resources (DNR) reports that the wildfire is thethird largest in Michigan’s history.

The Salvation Army EDS team, in conjunction with the Red Cross, is providingfood and hydration to those battling the blaze.

The Salvation Army is serving breakfast, lunch and dinner to nearly 300firefighters, state police, and other support teams a day through four emergencydisaster services vehicle (canteen), located at a command post in Newberry, MI.

The Army is also prepared to offer emotional and spiritual care.

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