Macedonia – UN provides $230.000 aid to combat forest fires

UN provides $230.000 aid to combat forest fires

31 July 2007

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UN Agencies present in Macedonia have taken immediate action in relation to the official assistance appeal by the Crisis Management Center to combat the fires blazing across the country.

United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has released the Emergency Cash grant in amount of $30.000. The grant is to be used for local purchase of items to assist the affected people by the recent disaster.

UNDP/Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (UNDP/BCPR) has allocated $ 100.000 to support the coordination of the government and the international community efforts to combat the fires and address the needs of the affected population. UNDP will also support the assessment of the situation, jointly with the government and other UN agencies and other partners. This includes protection equipment and transport for the personnel conducting the assessment and other kinds of similar equipment. In addition to the assessment, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) will provide a team of environmental damage experts to assess the ecological damage of the recent forest fires.

UNICEF is procuring emergency relief items for the most affected populations of Bair neighbourhood in Bitola municipality. Basic hygiene kits, water, blankets, bed sheets and towels will be distributed through the local Red Cross to all of the evacuees from this neighbourhood. In addition, $100,000 received from the Office of Emergency Programmes in New York Headquarter will be used to respond to the situation. This will include: four wheel drive vehicles to facilitate access to rural populations affected by the fires, cooling systems (air conditioners) for public health and social service institutions for children throughout the country and supplies to increase water coverage for the most affected populations – water dispensaries and water tablets.

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