Israel helps Cyprus extinguish fires
Israel helpsCyprus extinguish fires
30 June 2007
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Cyprus — Israel sent emergency aidto Cyprus over the weekend to help extinguish fires raging at the TroodosMountains, the Foreign Ministry reported. The aid was sent after the CypriotForeign Ministry requested assistance from the Israeli Embassy in Nicosia.
The Israeli aid included a fire extinguishing aircraft belonging to the Chimnircompany and an Israel Air Force cargo jet carrying seven officers and soldiers,including a doctor from the Home Front Command, a fire extinguishing team, aswell as 33 tons of fire extinguishing materials.
The Foreign Ministry appealed to the chief military rabbi to allow the AirForce plane to take off on Shabbat.
The operation won the cooperation of the Cypriot government and theUnited Kingdom, which let the planes land in a British sovereignty near the firearea. The aircrafts are expected to return to Israel on Saturday night.
Israeli Ambassador to Cyprus Avraham Haddad is scheduled to meet with theteams before they leave the island. The Cypriot authorities have thanked Israeland the Foreign Ministry for the aid.