USA – Dry Season Worries Oahu Firefighters

Dry Season Worries Oahu Firefighters

12 June 2007

published by

By: Paul Drewes

(KHNL) – The official start of summer is just around the corner and you can expect temperatures to only get hotter. And that has fire fighters concerned.

They are concerned because summer time is when the number of brush fires typically jumps. So, they need help from homeowners to make sure those same homes don’t go up in flames.

Flames and firefighters could become a common sight this summer.

“With the dry weather there is increased possibility of brush fires starting.” says Capt. Terry Seelig with the Honolulu Fire Department.

The honolulu fire department has already battled a number of brushfires this year.

236 to be exact. But that number will go up in smoke, if it’s a typical summer, when several hundred more fires are fought.

While fire crews are preparing for the big increase in brushfire, they also want you to make sure your home is prepared as well.

“Protect your property, clear any dry brush around the property 30-to-100 feet.

And removed any flammables, rubbish or items that would cause the fire to come to the house.” adds Seelig.

While crews will fight to keep these flames away from neighborhoods, they cannot protect a home, if they can’t get to it.

“Check to see if the access is blocked , are there cars in the way? Please make sure there is room for us to get to the property to protect it.”

You can also protect your home from all kinds of fires with smoke detectors. Even though most homes are never threatened by flames, you never know when fire could break out where you live.

“People need to plan for what to do if they’re asked to evacuate. Where they are going to go and make sure everyone and everything they need is with them.”

Just a reminder as we enter brushfire season, because it has been so dry, there are no open burns allowed on Oahu. The only fires allowed in yards are barbeques.


The original article and a video are provided on this web page of KHNL8:

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