Haze in Mae Hong Son at dangerous level

Haze in Mae Hong Son at dangerous level

11 April 2007

published by etna.mcot.net

Thailand — Smoke haze in Thailand’s northern province of Mae Hong Son Saturday morning remained at a dangerous level of 222 microgrammes per cubic metre (MPCM), more than one hundred units higher than the maximum acceptable level of 120 MPCM, the Pollution Control Department announced.

The environmental agency’s warning said the dust-particle levels in other northern provinces were satisfactory as they stood below the acceptable level, though close to the maximum. 

In Chiang Mai, the dust-particle level was at 115 MPCM while in Lampang it was at 76 MPCM and in Chiang Rai at 107 MPCM, the Department said.

It urged people to avoid burning garbage or any other outdoor burning activity and to report any forest fires to officials. People, especially children, the elderly and those with respiratory problems, are also advised not to exercise outdoors. 

The haze, caused by slash-and-burn farming and wildfires in northern Thailand and parts of nearby Laos and Myanmar, has blanketed northern provinces for over a month, affecting millions of people. More than 15,000 persons in the region have sought treatment for respiratory problems and other ailments blamed on the haze.

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