uthorities reduce bushfire fuel with major burn-offs

Authorities reduce bushfire fuel with majorburn-offs

3 April 2007

published by www.abc.net.au

Australia — A major forest burning operation is under way across south-eastNew South Wales today as authorities try to reduce the amount of potentialbushfire fuel in thousands of hectares of forest and national park.

Government agencies and private land-holders are taking advantage of themilder weather conditions to set the fires, which are expected to be burning forthe rest of this week.

State Forests is undertaking some big burns near Batemans Bay and Eden today,while the National Parks Service is working on a large area south of Bombala.

Even larger burning off is under way in forests south of the Victorian border.

Authorities are warning people with respiratory ailments to stay indoors.

The smoke drift from the fires is expected to affect visibility on roads,especially early in the mornings and at night, and motorists are being warned toslow down.

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