$1M bounty on wild dogs, foxes

$1M bounty on wild dogs, foxes

28 March 2007

published by news.mcmedia.com.au

Victoria, Australia — The Victorian government will launch a $1 millionbounty scheme for the culling of wild dogs and foxes in bushfire-prone areas.
The program, expected to run for six months, will target increasing numbers ofwild dogs and foxes seen following recent bushfires in Victoria’s north-east,south-west and Gippsland areas.
Agriculture Minister Joe Helper said farmers had reported the animals wereroaming more widely in search of food after the fires and the bounty would helpcrack down on them.
The Department of Primary Industries will offer $10 for foxes and $50 for wilddogs.
The Bushfire Recovery Fox and Wild Dog Bounty Program is part of thegovernment’s multi-million dollar Bushfire Recovery Package to be unveiled soon.

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