Bushfire victims to sue state for millions

Bushfire victims to sue state for millions

22 March 2007

published by www.news.com.au

Australia — Hundreds of Victorian farmers affected by the state’s bushfirecrisis are to launch a multi-million dollar class action against the stateGovernment.

More than 500 farmers and businesses who had suffered massive losses afterbushfires on government land spread to private properties would be seekingcompensation “in the tens of millions of dollars,” a lawyer for thegroup, Charles Slidders, said today.

The group will argue that state authorities failed to adequately carry outbackburning and fuel reduction operations, causing wildfires to spread.

Mr Slidders, of Melbourne law firm Slidders Lawyers, said many claimantsinvolved had lost virtually everything they owned and the class action wouldencompass victims of bushfires dating back to the 2003 alpine crisis.

“Some members of the class action have lost a lot of property as aresult of the bushfires in recent years,” he said.

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