6,000 people mobilised to douse China forest fire

6,000 peoplemobilised to douse China forest fire

9 March 2007

published by www.indianmuslims.info

China — More than 6,000 people have been enlisted to fight a forest fire thathas spread over an area of 233 hectares in a nature reserve in southwest China,government sources said Friday.

The fire-fighting team, including army personnel, forestry police and localresidents, have finished building a firebreak belt, which is 5 km long and 50meters wide, by early Friday, said fire fighting officials.

The fire started Thursday morning on Cangshan Mountain, part of the Cangshanand Erhai State Nature Reserve, a famous scenic spot in the province.

By Friday noon, 90 percent of the blaze had been extinguished.

“But we fear that the remaining fire may spread as high winds wereforecast Friday afternoon,” said Wang Dexiang, a provincial forestryofficial.

Investigators said the fire was caused by children who fled the scene afterthe fire started.

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