Haze, Asean-China talks in Brunei

Haze, Asean-China talks in Brunei

20 February 2007

published by www.brunei-online.com

Southeast Asia — Brunei will host a series of meetings in the upcomingmonths.

The 2nd Sub-Regional Ministerial Steering Committee Meeting on Haze will beheld on February 18, 2007 followed by the 12th Asean Ministerial Meeting on Hazeon March 1, 2007 and 2nd Conference of Parties to the Asean to the AseanAgreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution on March 2, 2007.

Meanwhile the Asean Secretariat revealed that from March 19-21, 2007, the 8thAsean-China Joint Cooperation Committee meeting will be held.

The seventh meeting of the China-Asean (Association of Southeast AsianNations) Joint Cooperation Committee in Nanning, China last year has agreed thattheir bilateral strategic partnership oriented to peace and prosperity hascontinued to advance.

The Joint Cooperation Committee, set up in 1997, acts as an annual dialogueand coordination mechanism between China and Asean.

Meanwhile from May 1-4, 2007, the Sultanate will host Preparatory-SeniorEconomic Officials Meeting (Prep-SEOM) as well as Senior Economic OfficialsMeeting-European Union Consultation (SEOM-EU) and with Australia’s TradeRepresentative.

The Asean Economic Ministers (AEM) Retreat as well as consultations with theEuropean Union and US Trade Representative will also be held.

From July 3-4, the 15th Working Group on Accreditation and ConformityAssessment (WG2) and 20th Working Group on Standards and Mutual RecognitionArrangements (WG1) will take place.

From October 2-3, the 10th meeting of the High Level Task Force on theDrafting of the Asean Charter will be held and the 21st Asean Small and MediumEnterprise Agencies Working Group will also take place in October.

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