Bushfire threatens Yarra Valley town
Bushfire threatensYarra Valley town
16 February 2007
published by: www.news.com.au
Australia — A bushfire is threatening a YarraValley township, as a large firefighting team tackles the growing blaze east ofMelbourne.
The new fire, near Victoria Street in Yarra Junction, was about 35ha in sizeand was expected to send embers onto nearby properties tonight, a Department ofSustainability and Environment (DSE) spokesman said .
Milners Road, at the junction of Little Yarra Road, was closed.
“Residents in this area are advised that embers may be landing aroundtheir property soon, and that they should take all measures to put them out asthey arrive,” a DSE spokesman said.
“It is important that all residents protect themselves from radiant heatby wearing the right clothing.
“Residents should wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, sturdy boots,and a broad rimmed hat. On no account should synthetic material be worn.”
Residents are urged to stay in their homes until the fire front passes.
“After the front has passed, residents should immediately begin topatrol their house looking for embers or areas that are burning, and extinguishthem as best they can.”
More than 15 fire trucks and two bulldozers, creating fire breaks, are at thescene.
For more information, phone the bushfire line on 1800 240 667.