Minister ends bush fire emergency period

Minister ends bush fire emergency period

14 February 2007

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Australia — Emergency Services Minister John Kobelke has officially revokedthe bush fire emergency period that was declared on February 5, 2007. Therevocation will take effect at noon today. Areas subject to the emergency perioddeclared under the Bush Fires Act 1954, comprise the whole of the districtssouth of and including the Shires of Chapman Valley; Mullewa; Morawa; Perenjori;Dalwallinu; Mount Marshall; Yilgarn and Coolgardie; and the City ofKalgoorlie-Boulder. In ending the declared emergency period, Mr Kobelke took theopportunity to thank the Western Australian community for its support.

Emergency Services Minister John Kobelke has officially revoked the bush fireemergency period that was declared on February 5, 2007.

The revocation will take effect at noon today.

Areas subject to the emergency period declared under the Bush Fires Act 1954,comprise the whole of the districts south of and including the Shires of ChapmanValley; Mullewa; Morawa; Perenjori; Dalwallinu; Mount Marshall; Yilgarn andCoolgardie; and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

In ending the declared emergency period, Mr Kobelke took the opportunity tothank the Western Australian community for its support.

“I want to place on record the appreciation of the WA Government for the highlevel of co-operation demonstrated by the community, industry, commerce andlocal government alike, during the bush fire emergency period,” he said.

“This co-operation helped to limit the number of bush fires during thedeclaration period.

“Importantly, it has also given our hardworking fire crews a well deservedbreak from their arduous role in the field.”

The Minister said the hundreds of bush fires that had burnt across the State inpast weeks had demanded a huge effort from the State’s emergency services.

“Since Australia Day, the massive mobilisation of resources to bush fires hasincluded 106 emergency service brigades, more than 550 Department of theEnvironment and Conservation ( DEC ) personnel, more than 70 Forest ProductsCommission staff, 320 FESA career firefighters and 85 FESA staff, units from 37local governments, 1,000 volunteers and 400 fire appliances,” Mr Kobelke said.

“Regrettably, some of the more significant incidents involved a tragic loss oflife, as well as infrastructure damage and property and environmental loss.

“Without the remarkable response from our exceptional bush fire brigadevolunteers, career and volunteer Fire and Rescue Service, DEC fire crews andState Emergency Service volunteers, the impact of these disasters on ourcommunity could have been far worse.

“We are not only extremely proud of the fantastic efforts of our volunteers -and support groups such as the Salvation Army and Country Women’s Association- but also grateful for the understanding and support shown by their employers.”

The Minister urged everyone in the community to remain vigilant and reportsuspicious fire-lighting behaviour.

“I want to remind the community that their assistance is still needed inhelping to identify those who are deliberately lighting fires,” he said.

“A substantial reward of up to $200,000 is available for members of thecommunity providing information leading to a person or persons being convictedof arson for fires deliberately lit during the bush fire emergency period.”

The Minister said a reward of $50,000 would continue to be available for suchinformation on fires outside the bush fire emergency period.

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