10 high-power pumps being acquired to fight forest fires

10 high-power pumps being acquired to fightforest fires

9 February 2007

published by www.nst.com.my

BATU PAHAT, Malaysia — The Fire and Rescue Department is buying 10high-power pumps, costing RM27 million, to fight bush and peat fires.

The big pumps, from the Netherlands, will be placed at dams, rivers and othersources to draw large volume of water to put out forest fires, said thedepartment’s director-general Datuk Hamzah Abu Bakar.

“The pipes can be extended as far as two kilometres, which can bring thewater deep into the centre of a bush fire,” he told reporters aftervisiting the newly completed Batu Pahat Fire and Rescue station here.

Reports have suggested that Malaysia will experience extreme weather patternsdue to global warming and this has caused the department to prepare for floodsand more fires, besides fighting everyday emergencies.

The department has also sought RM300 million to buy equipment like hovercraft,heavy-duty lorries and to provide training to firemen.

Earlier, Hamzah distributed mattresses, stoves and blankets to 77 firefighterswhose houses were flooded while they were busy rescuing people.

Johor fire and rescue service chief Muhamad Yusof Muhamad said 1,032firefighters from the State were involved in the flood rescue efforts.

“Many of my staff are also victims of the floods but they never complained.They had to put aside their own flooded homes to help others first. I was amazedby the spirit they showed,” he said.

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