Researchers investigate affects of smoke haze

Researchers investigate affects of smokehaze

12 February 2007

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Australia — Researchers at the University of Tasmania and Menzies ResearchCentre are looking at the health affects of smoke haze.

They are following up research they did in Darwin, whichfound hospital admissions because of respiratory illnesses went up 20 per centwhen smoke haze from forest fires reached moderate levels.

In Tasmania they hope to investigate the differences inhealth effects of smoke from wild fires, controlled burns and wood heater smoke,with support from the Fire Service, health and environment departments.

The Tasmanian Fire Service’s Mike Brown says the studywill help protect the public.

“I think in this day and age we’ve got furtherresponsibilities beyond just the fire protection role and we must take intoaccount public health aspects when we’re conducting activities,” he said.

“So this is the kind of research we want to havesome kind of participation in.”

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