Forest fire in Dominican northwest forest is brought under control

Forest fire inDominican northwest forest is brought under control

9 February 2007

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Santo Domingo,Dominican Republic — Around 70tareas of pine forests were reduced to ashes by a forest fire that began onWednesday afternoon and it was not until today when forest rangers from the townMonción (northwest) were able to bring it under control.

The fire was located in the El Gallo sector of Monción’sJácome subdivision, where several varieties of plants were also charred.

The environmental authorities blame fishermen in the zoneof causing the fire, but no one has been detained so far.

The 13 rangers who guard the Mao river’s upper basin,including the rivers El Gallo and El Vallecito –located some 19 kilometersaway – battled the blaze, assisted by volunteers from the town.

The intense flames were threatening to expand in this areaof the Central Mountain Range.

Firefighters from San José de las Matas couldn’t helpin controlling the fire because they don’t even have fuel for their emergencyequipment.

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