WA declares bushfire disaster in south-west

WA declares bushfire disaster in south-west

8 February 2007

published by www.abc.net.au

Australia — The Western Australian Government has declared a naturaldisaster for areas in the state’s south-west which has been affected bybushfires.

Financial assistance and professional advice will be madeavailable to farmers under the Government’s Disaster Relief Program.

Bushfires in Dwellingup have burnt thousands of hectaresof fences and left farmers searching for cattle that have strayed into steepcountry looking for food.

Trevor Beer has lost all of his fences and 80 per cent ofhis farm, and says the assistance is needed.

“We’d be very grateful, there’s a lot of others inthe same boat with the fire the week before too,” he said.

“Some friends north of here lost their whole placeand they billeted their cattle around and the chap that lost 3,000 acres had[lost] some of his cattle, so he’s anxious to see if they’re still alive.”

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