M’sia, S’pore Discuss Environment Issues

M’sia, S’poreDiscuss Environment Issues

3 Faruary 2007

published by www.bernama.com.my

Malaysia — Malaysia’s Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk SeriAzmi Khalid and his Singaporean counterpart, Environment and Water ResourcesMinister Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, met here today to discuss a number ofenvironment-related issues affecting both countries.

The discussion took place in conjunction with the exchange of visits betweenofficials from both ministries which is already into its 20th series since itfirst started in 1979.

A joint statement issued after the meeting said that both ministers had fruitfuldiscussions and exchanges of views on various issues including regionaltransboundary haze.

“Both countries have reiterated the importance of continuing to workclosely through the Sub-Regional Ministerial Steering Committee in strengtheningcooperation in tackling regional transboundary haze pollution arising from landand forest fires,” the statement said.

Other issues discussed included the control of vehicular emissions where bothcountries pledged to continue to share experiences in tackling vehicularpollution which had been described as issues of “mutual concern”.

“Steps have been taken by both parties to tighten the control of emissionsfrom motor vehicles in line with international standards,” the statementadded.

Both ministers also discussed the joint monitoring of water quality in theStrait of Johor and reiterated the need to further improve the water qualitythere.

On the emergency response plan for chemical spill at the Second Link and Straitof Johor, the ministers agreed that besides dealing with chemical spills, theMalaysia-Singapore Joint Committee on the Environment should also cooperate inthe area of prevention.

The next chemical spill exercise will be organised by Singapore and istentatively set for July this year. The last exercise was conducted on April 10,last year.

Another issue discussed was the continued monitoring of water quality withinSungai Skudai water catchment in Johor — where part of raw water supply fromJohor to Singapore is drawn from — by Singapore’s Public Utilities Board andMalaysia’s Department of Environment.

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