Timber industry fears long-term bushfire damage
Timber industry fears long-term bushfiredamage
30 January 2007
published by www.abc.net.au
Australia — The timber industry is concerned thebushfire damage to logging coups in East Gippsland will have a long-term impacton mills and contractors.
VicForests is briefing loggers at meetings in Traralgon and Lakes Entranceand estimates about 70,000 hectares of mature forest available for logging hasbeen burnt.
The Victorian Association of Forest Industries says the department took toolong to organise salvage logging after the 2003 fires in Gippsland.
Chief executive Tricia Caswell says salvage logging must be better managedthis year.
“We’re looking at a new phase in the industry where there’s going tohave to be some public monies made available to make sure all of this salvagecan be well done, that as many mills as possible can survive and the communitiescan survive,” she said.