AIR Worldwide Publishes Wildfire Models

Rabbit poacher sparks blaze

22 September 2006

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Coventry, UK — A poacher hunting rabbits on waste ground in Nuneaton unwittingly started a fire last night.

Firefighters from the town’s Newtown Road station spent nearly three hours tackling an underground fire in peat off the Bermuda Park industrial estate.

Roly Bailey, watch manager at the fire station, said the fire covered an area of about 10 square metres and a crew had to excavate and thoroughly soak the ground.

“It was an unusual incident,” he said. “It was the biggest peat fire I have ever attended. It looked like a pit of molten ash and it was phenomenally hot.

“Someone had been rabitting among warrens on the fields and had put burning rags down holes to flush out the rabbits. It appears this had set fire to thepeat.”

Mr Bailey said they were alerted to the incident at about 8pm.

He added: “The fire had travelled underground and the fear was that a child might be playing in the area and could fall into it.”

The fire broke out on land next to RS Components and a security officer at the factory told fire-fighters that poachers regularly used the site to hunt rabbits.


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