Pontianak-bound planes cancel flight due to thick haze

Pontianak-bound planes cancel flight due tothick haze

25 August 2006

published by http://www.antara.co.id/

Pontianak, West Kalimantan (ANTARA News) – Two airplanes flying the Jakarta-Pontianak route aborted their flights when they were on their way to the capital of West Kalimantan after visibility in Supadio airport here was down to less than normal standard of 800 meters on Thursday, an official said.

The two planes of private airline companies Adam Air and Batavia Air flew back to Soekarno-Hatta airport after visibility in Supadio airport on Thursday morning was only 400 meters, local airport management body head Syamsul Bachri said.

With a visibility of only 400 meters, the life of passengers are at stake, he said.

Three airliners of three airline companies are flying from Jakarta to Pontianak on Thursday morning. The other airline company was Sriwijaya Air.

The Batavia Air plane circles over Supadio airport for some minutes before flying back to Soekarno-Hatta aiport due to thick haze.

The Adam Air plane flew for 20 minutes to Pontianak but returned to Soekarno-Hatta airport after receiving information on the thick haze over Supadio airport.

Sriwijaya Air`s passengers were boarding before the plane decided to cancel its flight to Pontianak.

The bad visibility occurred between 8.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m.

All airplanes could land safely in Supadio airport after visibility was 1,200 meters after 9.30 a.m., Syamul said.

Two airplanes cancelled their landing when thick smoke covered Supadio airport this month.

Thick fog blanketed Supadio airport notably in the morning despite rain in the past three days, Syamsul said.

He blamed the thick haze on rampant forest fires in Kalimantan. (*)


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