Moors fire blazes on for whole week

Moors fire blazes on for whole week

26 June 2006

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FIREFIGHTERS are still battling a moorland fire which started a week ago.

The blaze above Stalybridge — one of 43 grass fires dealt with this week — started on Wednesday and was still burning as the Advertiser went to press.

A helicopter has been dropping water and fire crews from local stations have been taking their turns to quench the blaze.

Around four engines have been permanently situated on the moors through the daytime and water from local reservoirs has been utilised.

Speaking on Tuesday, Tony Hunter of Greater Manchester Fire Service said his crews had been working flat out.

“We’ve managed to stop the spread of the fire. We’ve had seven fire engines here since 5am this morning. The problem is we can’t go on the moorland at night-time because you can’t see where you’re walking and it’s dangerous.

“This gives the fire time to reignite itself and potentially spread.”

FIREFIGHTERS work through the heat of the day.

Firefighters estimate the fire has scorched around 300 acres of moorland. It spread within 40 yards of a farm off Brushes Road and residents have reported having to keep their windows shut because of the strong smell of burning peat.

It had spread onto land owned by United Utilities by Monday. The company commissioned a helicopter to help with the damping down mission.

Spokeswoman Helen Lord said Tameside residents need to be extra careful when spending time in the countryside.

“Please don’t take any matches or naked flames onto the moors. Be careful with discarding of cigarettes and don’t have barbecues up there,” she said.

Eve Dugdale


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