Woman severely burnt in CCpur forest fire

Woman severely burnt in CCpur forest fire

27 March 2006

published by www.kanglaonline.com

Lamka, India —  Caught in a seasonal forest fire that broke out today at around 12 noon in and around Ngoiphai village located at some 15 kms from Churachandpur town in south, a woman identified as Niang Nei Hat, mother of two, aged 23, wife of Suan Khogin received third degree, i,e 99 percent burn injury.

The incident occured when the woman went to the nearby forest of the village, about one and half kilometres, to collect firewood for domestic use.

She was on her way towards the village when a fire accompanied with smoke blocked her way.

Later after the fire consumed most of her clothings and burnt her bodies, she managed to run upto some distance till she fell, where some other villagers spotted her, according to sources.

She was then rushed to the district hospital at about 1.30 pm and was being treated there. Doctors said she received 99 percent burns, admitting that her condition is crucial.

Such seasonal fires are not been uncommon particularly during dry season in this part of the land where there has been rampant practices of jhum cultivation since the remote past with the result that forest reserves are depleting day by day.


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