Body found in burnt field

Body found in burnt field

15 March 2006

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Trinidad and Tobago — In an attempt to destroy the body of a murdered man, someone set fire to the corpse, starting a bush fire that burned all night and consumed several acres of land, police believe.

However, the act of burning the body helped in its discovery yesterday, on a hillside in the canefields between Soledad Road and St John’s Trace, Claxton Bay.

Police said the body was too badly burned to determine gender or ethnicity or how the person died.

It is believed the killing happened last weekend. That was when a bush fire swept through the area which is within a mile of the field where the buried bodies of murder victims Samdaye Rampersad and Nigel Allen were discovered in December.

The discovery yesterday was made by resident John Bunsee, 65.

He told police he took his five dogs for a walk along a dirt track and one of the dogs raced into the bushes and the others followed.

Police said the bones and skull still had bits of flesh attached which indicated that death was recent. Insp Brereton and PCs Garcia, Gajadhar and Simon visited the scene.

Fire officers were called to the scene and asked to conduct an examination of the site to determine whether the body was burned using a flammable liquid.

Police said the fire destroyed possible evidence around the corpse.


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