Chile suing Czech man for forest fire

Chile suing Czech man for forest fire

29 March 2005

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Santiago, Chile, Mar. 29 (UPI) — Chile is suing a Czech man for destroying thousands of acres of forest when he accidentally started a fire, La Tercera reported Tuesday.

The 31-year-old Jiri Smitak was camping in the Torres del Paine national park last month when he started a blaze that consumed more than 15,000 acres of lush forest in southern Chile.

Smitak was reportedly using a type of camping stove banned in the park. In February he was fined $200 for the infraction.

However, authorities now want to levy another fine on the Czech, who has since returned home.

Chile is asking for the cooperation of the Czech Republic’s courts to help it collect the yet unspecified fine from Smitak


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